
COIT’s Guide to Removing Chocolate Stains 

Oh chocolate – most people just can’t get enough of this tasty treat. In fact, every year, $83 billion worth of chocolate is bought and sold! Europe is responsible for half of the world’s chocolate consumption, while in the US, we sell 58 million pounds of chocolate during the Valentine’s Day week alone.

Based on the millions of pounds of chocolate sold and eaten all over the globe these days, it’s no wonder that most people have to become familiar with removing chocolate stains at one point or another. If you’re not aware of how to remove chocolate stains, then you’ll find Coit’s step-by-step stain removal guide to be helpful.

Two squares of chocolate on yellow background

The History of Chocolate

Before we dive into removing chocolate stains, let’s take a look at the history of chocolate. Where did it come from and how did modern-day chocolate come about? How long has chocolate been around? We’ll take a closer look at the details below.

Chocolate in Mesoamerica

The Mayan and Aztec people used chocolate during royal and religious events. The word “chocolate” comes from the word “Xocolati”, which translates to “bitter water.” 

During sacred ceremonies, chocolate drinks would be served. In fact, whenever the Aztecs conquered a new territory, the people of that land would have to pay a “tribute” tax in the form of cacao beans. Chocolate was definitely a commodity that held a lot of value during this time in history, with the first signs of it dating back to 1900 BC. Makes you wonder how they dealt with removing chocolate stains back then! 

Modern-Day Chocolate

Now the Mayans’ and Aztecs’ version of chocolate was a lot different than the chocolate we eat today. For hundreds of years, the process through which they made chocolate stayed the same. Around the 18th century, people in Europe started to add milk and refined sugar. In fact, John Cadbury came up with an emulsification process that made chocolate solid for the first time. This discovery brought the invention of the world’s first chocolate bar. 

In the US, during the Industrial Revolution, mechanical mills were created to squeeze out cocoa butter. This cocoa butter is what helps create modern-day sweet and hard candy. 

Ingredients in Chocolate

When you think about how to remove chocolate stains, you inevitably wonder what is in chocolate that makes it stain. Let’s take a closer look into the ingredients in chocolate before trying to remove chocolate stains.

Most chocolate is made of the following: 

  • chocolate liquor (cocoa beans with shells removed).
  • Vanilla
  • Sugar
  • Cocoa butter
  • Lecithin

Other types of chocolate contain additional additives like nuts or other flavorings, but the ingredients above cover the basics. 

Coit’s Guide to Remove Chocolate Stains

Now that you know a bit more about the history of chocolate, as well as what it’s made of, you can learn how to remove a chocolate stain from carpet and how to remove a chocolate stain from upholstery. We’ll teach you the step-by-step at-home methods you can use to keep your home stain free.


How to Remove Chocolate from Carpet

Coit’s Guide to Removing Chocolate Stains from Carpet

Are you a chocolate lover? Whether you love chocolate or don’t have much of a sweet tooth, there is always the chance that chocolate stains can unexpectedly appear on your carpet. But when they do, you’ll be armed with a few do-it-yourself stain removal solutions. Check out Coit’s guide to removing chocolate stains from carpet below.

Before trying any of the methods below when you’re wondering how to get chocolate out of carpet, remember that the longer the chocolate stain sits, the harder it will be to remove it. Like with most carpet stains, the best thing to do is to act quickly.

Chocolate Spots

How to Remove Chocolate Stains from Carpet – Method # 1

The first method to try to get your carpet back to normal involves a butter knife, a vacuum, spot remover, paper towels and a clothing iron. Gather all of these items before you begin to tackle the problem of how to get chocolate out of carpet. 

  1. If you see that the chocolate has dried, take a butter knife and scrape off as much as the chocolate stain as you can.
  2. After scraping as much chocolate residue as you can from the carpet, vacuum directly over the stain to remove any flakes that may remain.
  3. Cover the affected area with a few paper towels.
  4.  Set your clothing iron to the lowest, non-steam setting possible. Move the iron over the paper towels slowly. This should help the chocolate start to stick to the paper towels.
  5. When you’re ironing the paper towels, be sure to keep the temperature steady while doing so.
  6. Repeat steps 1-5 as necessary until the chocolate stain has disappeared.
  7. If any dark spots remain, apply a household carpet cleaner to the area and agitate gently with a clean white towel. Use caution to avoid over agitating carpet fibers which might cause damage.

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How to Get Chocolate Out of Carpet – Method # 2

Another method you can try when wondering how to remove chocolate stains from carpet is outlined below. Give it a try the next time your carpet needs a bit of assistance! 

  1.  Using a butter knife, scrape off any remaining chocolate residue from the affected area of the carpet. Be sure to perform this step slowly and carefully.
  2. Using a paper towel or white clean cloth, use carpet stain remover to try and lift the chocolate stain.
  3. If remnants of the chocolate stain are still visible after performing step 2, take ¼ teaspoon of white detergent and mix it with a cup of water that’s around room temperature.
  4. Pour this water and detergent mixture directly onto the stain.
  5. Begin blotting the carpet, working from the outer edge of the stain to the inner part. Doing so ensures you’re not spreading the chocolate stain further.
  6. Leave the area to dry and the chocolate stain should disappear 

Removing Chocolate Stains from Carpet – Method # 3

As soon as you discover the stain, remove as much of the chocolate as you can using a butter knife or scraping tool.

  1. Run cold water directly over the carpet stain.
  2. Using a bit of dishwashing detergent and a clean cloth, rub the stain in a circular motion. Then let it sit for a few minutes.
  3. Rinse the area with cold water again and the chocolate stain should disappear.


If these above mentioned at-home solutions are still leaving your carpet a bit stained, consider exploring Coit Professional Carpet Cleaning ServicesDon't forget to checkout our coupons!

Remember to always do a spot removal test on a portion of carpet or upholstery that is normally not visible. 
These are suggested treatments only and COIT can't be held accountable for any damage sustained by use of the treatments in this spot removal guide.

How to Remove Chocolate Stains from Upholstery

COIT’s Guide to Removing Chocolate Stains from Upholstery

Who doesn’t love popping in a movie and eating a little chocolate on the couch? Or if popcorn is more your style, that’s fine too. Or you can go big and pair the salty with the sweet for a night of pure relaxation.

So what do you do when you accidentally spill some chocolate on the couch? Don’t worry. With Coit’s Guide to removing chocolate stains from upholstery, you can try several do-it-yourself methods to keep your furniture in good shape.

Chocolate Spots

How to Remove Chocolate Stains from Upholstery – Method # 1

For this first at-home stain removal method to remove chocolate from upholstery, you’ll need the following: a plastic spoon, liquid dish soap, and a small container. 

  1. Using a plastic spoon, slowly remove any remaining chocolate from the affected area of the upholstery.
  2. Fill up the small container with 2 cups of cold water.
  3. Mix 1 tablespoon of liquid dish soap into the water.
  4. Dampen a clean cloth using the solution you just mixed. Starting from the outer edge of the chocolate stain, slowly begin to remove chocolate from upholstery. The stain should start to lighten.
  5. Rinse the affected area by wiping it with a clean, damp cloth and wipe it with a dry towel to remove any moisture. Let dry.
  6. Using dry-cleaning solvent, apply 2-3 drops directly onto the affected area. Blot the area using this towel until the chocolate stain has completely disappeared.  

Removing Chocolate Stains from Upholstery – Method # 2

If you’re looking for another way to answer the question of how to remove chocolate stains from upholstery, COIT has one more method for you to try.

Once you notice the chocolate stain, make sure you take action as soon as you can. The longer the chocolate stain sits on the upholstery, the more likely it is to be absorbed even deeper. 

  1. Using a scraping tool, carefully scrape any remaining chocolate pieces of flakes off the upholstery. Avoid scrubbing, as this may rub any remaining pieces into the fabric.
  2. Wash the area with a soapy cloth that’s been dipped in hot water. As you massage the stain, it should start to gradually lighten.
  3. Pat the area dry using a dry towel.
  4. If the chocolate stain is still visible, take enough cornmeal to cover the area and apply it to the upholstery. This will help absorb the stain and any excess moisture.
  5. After letting the cornmeal sit and absorb any remaining stain residue, gently brush the cornmeal off the upholstery using a towel or scraper.
  6. The stain should have disappeared or lightened after performing these steps. If there is still visible discoloring, try following with an upholstery cleaner.


After trying the above-mentioned methods to figure out how to remove chocolate stains from upholstery, you should see positive results. If none of these methods seem to do the trick, consider calling Coit Upholstery Cleaning to learn more about our deep cleaning services. Don't forget to check out our coupons!

Remember to always do a spot removal test on a portion of carpet or upholstery that is normally not visible. 
These are suggested treatments only and COIT can't be held accountable for any damage sustained by the use of the treatments in this spot removal guide.

Ricardo Cleaning Carpet

Home remedies not working?

If you’re still battling stubborn stains after trying these home remedies, professional cleaning may be a good option to explore. Check out COIT’s Cleaning Services to learn more about the help we can offer.

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