COIT’s Guide to Removing Milk Stains
“Milk – it does a body good.”
“Got milk?”
No matter which slogan you use or remember to describe milk, it’s no secret that milk is a staple in diets around the world. And to the delight of kids around the world, chocolate milk is also a delicious treat that does in fact offer some nutritional value. Who knew?
According to the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, as noted in Men’s Health Magazine, chocolate milk is “just as good or better than Gatorade for replacing glucose in fatigued muscles.” Knowing that should make your next glass of chocolate milk a guilt-free one!
With milk being a large part of many people’s diet, from newborn babies to people of all ages, you may encounter milk stains on your carpet every so often. And your next thought may be about the best ways to approach milk stain removal at home.
With Coit’s guide to removing milk stains, you’ll get handy tips that work at home – including tips about chocolate milk stain removal as well.

Ingredients in Milk
When you encounter milk stains, you may be wondering what’s actually in this liquid that we’re often forced to clean off our carpets. Well we have the answer for you:
Milk contains:
• Colloids
• Molecular and ionic solutions
• Emulsions
• Water
• Fat
• Lactose
• Proteins
• Minerals
• Water
Water is actually the most present ingredient in milk. During the milk processing phase, water is often removed to lower its overall moisture content.
Types of Milk
So where does milk come from? In 2011, it was estimated by the Food and Agriculture Association of the UN that cows produce 85% of all milk worldwide. Other animals do produce milk, including:
• Sheep
• Camels
• Goats
• Buffalo
• Horses
• Reindeer
Depending on where the milk comes from, the levels can be different based on the animal, its age, breed, health status and which stage of lactation it’s going through.
Milk Stain Removal Tips
Now that you’ve learned a bit about milk, what it’s made of and where it can come from, let’s jump into milk stain removal.
As with most other types of stains you may encounter on your carpet, the faster you act, the better. When you do go about removing the stain, it’s best to blot instead of vigorously rubbing the stain. Finally, keep in mind that cold water is a great way to fight milk stains. Applying cool water often stops the milk stain from setting in permanently.
Chocolate Milk Stain Removal
Within milk, you’ll find strong bonding proteins. Within chocolate milk, you’ll find the core ingredients of chocolate, sugar and milk. If you encounter a chocolate milk stain, try not to let it dry, as this makes it that much more difficult to remove. You’ll actually want to use the same process to remove chocolate milk as you use with regular milk – just remember to act quickly to avoid a sticky mess.
For more details about do-it-yourself milk stain removal, check out COIT’s step-by-step instructions for removing milk and chocolate milk from carpet.
How to Remove Milk Odor from Carpet
COIT's Guide on How to Remove milk smell from Carpet
When you’re trying to remove a milk stain from your carpet, the first thing you’ll probably want to do is remove the appearance of the stain. But what about the smell it may leave behind? That’s probably something you’ll want to tackle as well.
The important thing to remember with a milk stain is the longer you leave it unattended, the worse the smell will get. Temperature affects the odor, so try and work on removing the stain and the odor as soon as you discover it.
With a little help from Coit’s Guide to removing milk odor from carpet, you’ll not only be able to remove the actual milk stain; you’ll be left with fresh smelling carpet that’s ready for bare feet and relaxation.

How to Remove Milk Smell from Carpet – Method # 1
- Before doing anything else, try and soak up any remaining milk from the carpet using a clean towel. Firmly blot the stain – don’t scrub.
- Using a solution that’s made of 2 cups of warm water and 1 teaspoon of dishwashing soap (make sure it’s bleach free), apply the mixture directly to the area using a sponge. This should take care of any of the milk that’s still on the surface.
- Take some baking soda and pour it directly onto the milk stain. It’s best to leave the baking soda on the carpet overnight to let it work its magic.
- After it has sat on top of the milk stain overnight, loosen the baking soda by using your hands or a small brush.
- Finish up by vacuuming the area. This do-it-yourself solution should help you answer the question of how to remove sour milk smell from carpet, in 5 easy steps.
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Removing Milk Odor from Carpet Using Vinegar – Method # 2
Another method to try when approaching how to remove milk smell from carpet is listed below.
- After you’ve removed the milk stain, set a bowl of vinegar near the stain for a few days. You can also spray the carpet stain directly with vinegar using a spray bottle.
- If you do spray the carpet with vinegar, after it sits for a while, blot it using a clean cloth. You can also hold a steam cleaner over the affected area of the carpet.
- As the carpet dries, the vinegar smell will gradually disappear so you have odor-free carpet.
How to Remove Sour Milk Smell from Carpet Using Coffee Grounds – Method # 3
This takes only 1 step!
1. Just sprinkle fresh, unused coffee grounds directly onto the milk stain. This should help soak up the smell pretty quickly! So the next time you encounter a milk stain and need to know how to remove sour milk from carpet, you can rely on Coit’s handy guide to keep your carpet looking – and smelling – its best.
If the smell is still persistent, contact COIT and don't forget to checkout our coupons!
Remember to always do a spot removal test on a portion of carpet or upholstery that is normally not visible. These are suggested treatments only and COIT can't be held accountable for any damage sustained by use of the treatments in this spot removal guide.
How to Remove Milk Stains from Carpet
COIT's Guide on How to Remove Milk from Carpet
No matter how careful we try to be on our carpets, it’s pretty difficult to keep them plush and white all year round. When life gets busy, spills happen!
So when it comes to dealing with spills on your carpet, should you really cry over spilt milk? According to Coit – absolutely not! Using items you can find in your home or the store, there are a few different ways to answer the question of how to remove milk from carpet that are fast, effective and affordable.
So before you contemplate buying an area rug to cover an unexpected milk stain, let Coit’s guide to cleaning milk out of carpet help you get your carpet back in good shape.

How to Clean Milk Out of Carpet – Method # 1
- Take 2 cups of warm water and mix it with one tablespoon of liquid hand dishwashing detergent.
- Take a damp, white cloth and moisten it with this mixture. Use the cloth to soak up any remaining milk from the affected area of the carpet.
- Continue blotting the area until the stain has disappeared.
- If you still see the milk stain, you can also use ammonia when you’re wondering how to clean milk out of carpet.
- Mix 2 cups of warm water with 1 tablespoon of ammonia.
- With a sponge, apply this solution directly onto the stained area of the carpet.
- Blot the stain until the milk is no longer visible.
- Using a clean sponge, blot the carpet with cold water to rinse.
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Cleaning Milk Out of Carpet – Method # 2
If you’re looking for another do-it-yourself method of approaching how to clean milk out of carpet, check out these alternative steps below.
- As soon as you discover the milk stain, it’s important to take a cloth or a sponge and soak up as much of the liquid as you can.
- Take a cloth, soak it in cold water and scrub the area of the carpet where the milk soaked in. You can repeat this step as many times as you need to until you’ve soaked up all of the milk from the carpet fibers.
- Take enough cornstarch to cover the affected area and sprinkle it directly onto the carpet. Let the cornstarch sit on the stain for at least 30 minutes.
- Once the cornstarch has soaked up any remaining milk, vacuum the affected area of the carpet.
The above-mentioned do-it-yourself methods are handy to keep in mind when milk decides to pay your clean carpet a visit. With the help of a few household items, you won’t have to scratch your head when wondering how to remove milk from carpet. For more advanced stain removal that household cleaners can’t handle, call Coit Carpet Cleaning to learn more about our 100% satisfaction guarantee and don't forget to checkout our coupons!
Remember to always do a spot removal test on a portion of carpet or upholstery that is normally not visible. These are suggested treatments only and COIT can't be held accountable for any damage sustained by use of the treatments in this spot removal guide.